Stone Circle Cider (Estacada, OR) Verified

Stone Circle Cider (Estacada, OR) Verified

A English Scrumpy Style Cider.

$12 per 750ml bottle

$12.99 a bottle, 20% case discount. Taproom is temporarily closed.

Comes in Dry, semi-dry, sweet, sour cherry, and seasonal. Traditional Farmhouse Cider.

At Stone Circle Cider, we love everything about cider—its simplicity, its tradition, its drink-ability and, most of all, the diverse array of complex and beautiful flavors it affords those that get their hands on the best stuff.

In pursuit of this passion, we are working tirelessly to bring to market a line of ciders that incorporates all of these aspects in the way it has been made in Southwest England for over a thousand years…on the farm.

We operate on our family farm, a beautiful property about 25 miles outside of Portland in Estacada, Oregon. 

We take tradition seriously.  

By keeping the cider making process simple, choosing the right apples, and giving the cider time to age, we are able to make outstanding cider that is packed with richness and character.

Cider is made from cider apples.  

You don’t make great wine with table grapes, and the same holds true for cider.  That is why we blend English bittersweet apples with American heirloom apples in all of our cider.

Apples are seasonal and so is cider making.

We press apple juice in the fall,  allow it to ferment and age slowly throughout the winter and spring, and enjoy it throughout the rest of the year.  Having patience with cider makes all the difference.

This is the tradition of cider and its history, and in our opinion is the only way to make proper cider.

We own a 36 acre farm, just outside of Estacada, Oregon. It’s a beautiful property that offers lovely views of the Willamette Valley and Coastal Range Mountains. The farm had been exclusively in Christmas trees, but we began the transition to heirloom variety cider apples last winter in 2015. We’ve continued to transition more and more space into cider apples every year since.

Farmhouse Dry

Our signature cider is a true dry “scrumpy” style cider, inspired by our favorite ciders of the English west country. This cider is made from a blend of over 12 varieties of cider apples. It is slow fermented and left unfiltered to retain flavor. It features a beautiful dark golden color and a rich and robust apple aroma and flavor. Pair with seafood , pork, or cheese for an unforgettably unique experience.

Farmhouse Semi-Dry

With all of the rich apple character of our Farmhouse Dry, this cider features just a splash of sweetness to enhance the fruit flavor. Made with real cider apples pressed in the fall, this cider is slow fermented all winter, yielding a smooth mostly dry cider that is as drinkable as they come.

Farmhouse Sweet

This traditional English farmhouse cider is sweet and bold, with a juicy apple flavor. Enjoy all of the rich character you get from our other cider, but with a smooth sweet, but not too sweet finish. Pairs wonderfully with most spicy food, pork, and cheese.

Farmhouse Sour Cherry

A simple splash of cherry juice adds a whole new world of flavor to this traditional, unfiltered English farmhouse cider. Made with pie cherries and  tart apples, this semi-dry cider is the right kind of sour. Pro tip: slow cook pork loin in a bath of this cider for an amazing experience.

Seasonal Cider

We love to do small batch ciders and ciders designed for the changes in the seasons. We have new seasonals all the time, so best bet is to connect with us on social media to see what’s new.

Buy Online Here

Age 21 Minimum Legal Consumption Age: All of our products are not for purchase or consumption by anyone under 21 years old.

Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri -
Sat 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Sun 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
  • Address 36797 SE Kemp Road
    Estacada, Oregon 97023
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