Eiden Leather Crafts (Portland, OR) Verified

Eiden Leather Crafts (Portland, OR) Verified

Made by hand.


Prices start at $18 and go up.

Hand cut and handstitched genuine leather.
Based in 📍Portland, OR.
Venmo: HayleyEiden


In childhood I would create furniture out of cardboard for my dolls. Innovating, what I think, was the first cardboard + rubber-bands assembled pull-out bed for Barbie and her friends.

Fast forward to high school and I was hand embroidering band names or musical scales on friends’ jackets, making Duct tape wallets with elaborate braids instead of chains to connect to a belt loop and working on set designs for the drama department.

Then, stagnate. I entered adulthood and creativity was put on hold while I entered the workforce. There just wasn’t enough time to be creative.

As I approached my 30’s I felt something missing. I surrounded myself with artists – painters, fashion designers, actors, carpenters, musicians, film makers – always eager to volunteer my services or attend a show but it wasn’t until one of those artist friends encouraged me to, “get creative.”

I wanted to create something beautiful and useful. Something practical… Enter leather.

All my pieces are hand cut and hand stitched. I only use genuine leather. Everything is made by my hands, in my home.

-HR Eiden

  • Person Hayley
  • Address Portland, OR.
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