Labor of Love Unique Clay Work (Vancouver, WA) Verified

Labor of Love Unique Clay Work (Vancouver, WA) Verified

Unique clay art.


Prices start at $5.

My pieces are all made in house, free hand.

All pieces are unique and one of a kind.

Find them here or at the local Farmers Market in Vancouver, WA. Or Astoria, OR throughout the Farmer’s market season.

My dream has always been to be apart of the art world-based on the strong love for art that I have. I have been a member of SWWS, I am a juried member; also the Battle Ground Art alliance and a member of the Ridgefiled art Association. I am at the Vancouver Farmers Market. As far back as I can remember I have had love for art, drawing, painting and now working with clay. My inspiration for my clay art comes from gardening, looking at the textures of the leaves, it can invoke a feeling of love for the natural form.

  • Person Leticia
  • Address Vancouver, WA.
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