The Abstracted Mind (Longview, WA) Verified

The Abstracted Mind (Longview, WA) Verified



Prices start at $25 and go up for art.

Fluid painting makes up the majority of the pieces I create, and my preferred medium is resin. While recovering from a severe injury, I came across a documentary on Bruce Riley, showing him creating amazing amoeba-like pieces using vivid, psychedelic colors.
It resonated with something inside me and when I finally gave fluid painting a try, I was blown away and haven’t looked back.
I love it that the techniques one can use in this medium seem endless! I use anything and everything to create…
I’ll cut the end off soda bottles and pour over the top of them, I finger paint, I use chopsticks to draw patterns into the resin.
Whatever I may be trying to create I can always find something in my house to get me near the end result I’ve envisioned.

Abstract painting for me is about the exploration of what is possible when you let go of perfectionism and embrace freedom and possibility.
I laugh when I think of how much of a perfectionist I’ve always been, yet here I am creating art using a medium that is fluid and continues to change right to the point it is completely dry — there is only so much control the artist has over the outcome. Even though I’ve got these perfectionistic tendencies, structure hasn’t come easily and I struggled to fit myself into what the world expected me to do. Learning I have Attention Deficit Disorder explained that struggle, and now I embrace that I’m different. Fluid painting is the closest I’ve come to expressing to others what it’s like to be me.

I want my paintings to convey the freedom and beauty I’ve come to especially appreciate after fighting depression all my adult life.
Abstract painting has forced me to reevaluate the way I see and interact with this world. It’s helped me to accept change and appreciate what change brings and has been a huge part of my recovery from both injury and depression. I hope those that see my art feel like there are possibilities out there they might not have explored yet.

Sometimes that exploration can lead to something truly beautiful both as a piece of art and as a metaphor for life.


  • Person Charlie
  • Address Longview, WA.
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