Thrilling Foods (Portland, OR) Verified

Thrilling Foods (Portland, OR) Verified



Prices start at $13.49.

Changing the game in plant based 🥓

“Why tackle bacon?”

To save our porcine friends and the planet of course. In order to do no harm, we have to actually come up with a really fabulously yummy substitute. The kind of goodness that allows pretty much everyone to move forward into a more humane and sustainable future without looking back, totally satisfied with their BLT, or with just eating some strips because all by itself its 99.9% bacon good.

It’s true that there are already many efforts to create a satisfying substitute for one of the most popular foods on the planet… bacon. Many of them have been around for quite a while, and then there are the newcomers that seem to come and go. We tried them all. We know what a bacon substitute should taste like: deep umami flavor, salty, smoked with hickory, fatty with a bit of maple sweetness topping it all off. It needs to be both crunchy and chewy. And once you swallow, that little voice in your head should be whispering, “Go on, get another one.

The bacon substitutes we tried just didn’t fill the bill. And with the rise of the very popular plant-based burger analogs, what are they going to put on top of that burger? A good burger needs a good bacon. Yes, with all the bacon wannabees out on the shelves, it seems the world still needs at least one really good 100% plant-based bacon.

So here we are, entering the marketplace with yet another bacon substitute, but we think Bakon Strips are different… by a long shot.

  • Bakon Strips are a whole food made from whole soy beans in a method that is similar to the centuries old tofu-making process.
  • Bakon Strips do not contain soy isolates or industrially extracted soy proteins. No hexanes, no weird industrial processes. Just delicious soy milk turned into Bacon.
  • Bakon Strips contain no GMOs.
  • Bakon Strips are so much like meat that they are kept compliant, lots of healthy fat and protein.
  • Bakon Strips are lovingly smoked for hours with real hickory
  • Bakon Strips can satisfy vegetarians, vegans and meat-eaters alike.

We hope to be offering them to you soon in your favorite socially responsible neighborhood market.

  • Address Portland, OR.
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